Xamarin (and .NET MAUI course) – English version
Hello! Sometimes (especially in these difficult times) economic reasons are, more than a motivation, a need to be solved. For certain reasons, I am supporting a friend in distress, and the best way to do it is through knowledge.
Right to the point: I am going to teach an online course divided into two parts: Xamarin (starts in August) and .NET MAUI (starts in January 2022) for the total price of USD 300 (edit: there will be two versions, one in English and another one in Spanish. Read about the Xamarin and .NET MAUI course in Spanish here).
You can find the Xamarin course syllabus here, and as you can see, it includes 13 modules that range from the basics (configuration, controls, MVVM, databases) through intermediate topics (creation and consumption of APIs, maps, native code, push notifications) to advanced (DevOps, publishing). I estimate that for this course it will be 5 to 10 hours per topic.
What is included in this offer?
- Access to two courses: Xamarin (2021) and .NET MAUI (in 2022).
- Access to a GitHub repository with the source code of every application that is developed (available before each class).
- Access to the slides (PDF).
- Access to the recordings of each class.
- Access to a private Facebook group where you will be able to post your questions and I’ll also be sharing some information (about the course and other events).
- Access to a private WhatsApp group where you will be able to post your questions, I’ll post some announcements and content as well.
- Propose your own topic. There will be a poll between all students in the course and the two most voted topics will be added to the syllabus (for a total of 15 modules). Los temas que no queden veré qué se puede hacer (compartir enlaces, hacer un demo o alguna presentación breve) para que no quede descartado totalmente. The remaining proposals will not be completely ruled out, I’ll do my best to either share some useful links or prepare a demo or a brief presentation at least.
- On the days when there is no class, you can schedule a meeting with me to answer questions about a course topic or a project that you are developing.
Course lectures will be taught online in English via Teams with classes 4 days per week at a time to be confirmed, tentatively Monday (6-8 pm UTC+2), Wednesday (6-8 pm UTC+2), Friday (6-8 pm UTC+2) and Saturday (9-13 hrs UTC+2), so 10 hours per week. The course will be practical, full development but some theory about fundamental concepts will also be included to reinforce the learning.
Payment will be done through Wise, which accepts online transfers by debit card and other options. Your bank may charge you a commission. Wise too, but if you use this link the commission fee will be removed. Regarding the payment, here is a tutorial.
Some offerings:
- If you are a university student or have recently graduated less than one year ago, take advantage of a 2×1 deal. Gather another student/graduate, pay 300 USD only once and both of you will have full access.
- If you are a company/group of 5 or more developers, I can give you a discount.
- If you are only interested in the .NET MAUI course, the price is 150 USD (offer available during August only) and you’ll have access to the online sessions that start in January 2022. After August, the discount will not be available and the price for the .NET MAUI course alone will be $250.
If you have any question, would like more information or proceed with the payment, please contact me by sending me an email message to luis@luisbeltran.mx. It is also possible to pay in installments (the price is increased a bit, 10%).
As I mentioned at the beginning, the money raised is not for me. I know I shouldn’t explain this, but it partly justifies both the price and everything included.
If you know someone interested in this opportunity, please share this post to them.
Thank you (really, I appreciate it). Have a great day!